Friday, May 13, 2011

I LOVE Walgreens!

After a disappointing shopping trip to Babies R Us yesterday, where they didn't let me use the "buy 2 packages of huggies (72 ct or larger) and save $10", I started scouring the web for diaper coupons, I was determined to get a good deal.

In one search, I found that in the weekly ad, Walgreens price for Pampers Swaddlers was 2/18.99 with a $3 RR. I thought it was pretty good, especially if you deduct my $5 rewards coupon. But I figured I could do better, and stack a manufacturer's coupon with it, searched all morning, couldn't find a thing...just before leaving, I checked my mailbox, what do you know? Pamper's coupons! YAY!

First transacation:

2- 40 ct. Pampers Swaddlers, size 1 (10.99 each, or 2/18.99)

a $2 manufacturer's coupon from the postcard in my mailbox

deduct $3.98 for buying 2

and deduct another $2/each! as an automatic manufacturer's coupon I didn't know about

tax was $1.48

and then minus my $5 WAG PROMO

I paid $8.48 and got: $5 off my next pampers purchase, $3 RR and 10 free pampers points to grow

2nd transaction:

1- 33 ct. Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive, size 1 (10.99)

deduct 1.99...must of given me the 2/18.99 price, without me buying 2 (awesome!)

(Hubby did this transaction and they told him he had to add something small to cover the difference...)

gum $3.79

2- candy bars $1.59

deduct $5 off from last transaction

deduct $3 RR from last transaction

deduct $3 manufacturer coupon (also from postcard)

and another $2 from that instant maunfacturer thing I mentioned above

tax was $0.74

He paid $2.12 and got $2 off next pamper's purchase and 10 more free pamper's points to grow

All in all: $10.60 for all this! If you deduct the gum and candy bars, I got 3 packages of diapers for $5.22 or less than $0.05 a diaper!!! So excited! And the diapers aren't even for my babies! LOL It's for a shower, so more exciting I think!

(If I'd done the 2nd transaction, I probably would of kept the $3 RR and not of gotten the candy. Then I would of done a 3rd transaction and used my remaining $1 off pamper's wipes coupon and gotten free wipes too! :) oh, well, he's learning. LOL)